Monday, March 12, 2012

I Came to My Senses and Started Renting a Storage Space

My husband, Ray, has been after me for  awhile now, to get my furniture out of the garage.  After all, there has to be room for his 4 motorcycles and the 64 Nova.  Well, recently, a few of the shop girls have been talking about renting a storage space, to work on and store their furniture.  I have so much stuff, that I thought, I can fill my own space.  Well, I did it.  I rented an industrial space, located half way between my house and the shop.  Today, was the first day that we brought some stuff over.  Since the At Home With White Show is coming up in just about a month, I needed to put the stuff somewhere.  I'm happy and more importantly, my husband is happy.

These are just a few of the things that I've been working on for the show.
I bought this antique dress form, but it was red and black, so I tore the fabric off and painted it with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. 

Tables, tables everywhere.  All shapes and sizes, but all white.


  1. Love the dress form painted white!!
    Everything looks great...can't wait for the show!

  2. I can't wait for your White Event Mary Ellen! Looking forward to seeing you and these fabulous treasures there,

  3. Great idea to paint the dress form. I can hardly wait for the show!!

  4. lol..I've been thinking of doing the same ting garage, basement & attic is still filled to the brim. do it I say!! :) chris


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